For slightly different English text: scroll down Während es unbestritten bleibt, dass die Veröffentlichung unseres letzten Albums "The Proud Egyptian" entscheidend zu den Kairoer Protesten auf dem Tahrir-Platz und zum sogenannten "Arabischen Frühling" beitrug, möchten wir klarstellen, dass, entgegen anderslautenden Behauptungen aus der Presse, der Release von "Take The Money" am 20. Januar 2017 NICHT für die Vereidigung des weltweit renommierten Spitzenpolitikers Donald J. Trump zum 45. Präsidenten der USA am selben Datum (aber an einem anderen Ort) verantwortlich gemacht werden kann. Die Namen "Grand Mother's Funck" und "GMF" tauchen im Bericht der US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste zu möglichen Fremdeinflüssen auf die US Präsidentenwahl (National Intelligence Council: "Assessing Foreign Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections", declassified on 06-Jan-2017 > kein einziges mal auf. Dass beide Ereignisse auf den 20. Januar 2017 fallen basiert auf reinem Zufall. GMF hat KEINEN Beitrag zur Wahl/Vereidigung von Herrn Trump geleistet. Herr Trump hat KEINEN Beitrag zum neuen Album "Take The Money" geleistet (obwohl er laut eigenen Aussagen eigentlich genügend Mittel zur Verfügung hätte). Herr W. Putin hat auch KEINEN Beitrag zum neuen Album "Take The Money" geleistet. usw. Alles andere sollte als Fake News betrachtet werden. Danke, GMF While it is now widely recognised (as opposed to global warming, evolution or the earth being round) that the release of our previous album "The Proud Egyptian" was a decisive factor leading to the Tahrir protests in Cairo, and thus to the "Arab Spring" we wish to clarify that the release of "Take The Money" on 20-Jan-2017 can in no way be made responsible for the inauguration of an internationally renowned politician aptly named "Donald Trump" as the 45th president of the United States Of America on the same date (but in a different place) .
There is not a single mention of the names "Grand Mother's Funck" and "GMF" in the recently (06-Jan-2017) declassified report by the National Intelligence Council ("Assessing Foreign Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections" > GMF did NOT promote Mr. Trump as the president of the USA. Period. And Mr. Trump did NOT promote GMF's newest album (maybe we should have called it "Give Me The Money" instead). Neither did foreign-born (and therefore potential welfare recipient) Wladimir Putin. To further prove or point we wish to dedicate this album to Mr. Barack Obama, whom I remember from our days at Kogelo Koranic school in Kenya. Back then he was known as "mzungu" ("whitey"), because his mother was a light-skinned immigrant. As some of you may know, and as opposed to me, Barack went on to become the first white person to become the first black president of the USA. Please consider everything else as Fake News. Thank you, GMF
AuthorKapellmeister GMF Archives
December 2018
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GMF - Grand Mother's Funck